We’re all lazy to some extent. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s natural. However, most of the time, it’s…
Try to see the past as a room separate from the one you live in now. You can go in…
“Pain pushes until vision pulls.” Transition has been brought on by an unasked for change. When this happens one chapter…
Values are the thing that gives you direction and courage Feel a strong gut response when things are value consistent…
Four primary aspirations are love, abundance, purpose, and enlightenment. Only when we are in tune with our inner field of…
Without dreams we have nothing to pull us forward. Our dreams that energize us to literally go to war against…
There’s a vibratory action to your thoughts, your feelings, and your body. Increase those frequencies so they’re high enough to…
Beginning this very moment, be a happy person. Truly understand the concept of happiness that few others before you have…
In the development of self-confidence, one of the first steps you must take is to dispel the feeling that you…
“The real secret of success is enthusiasm.” – Walter Chrysler Enthusiasm – one with the energy of the Divine. (Latin…