An old farmer had an old horse for tilling his field. One day the horse escaped into the hills. When…
Experts in mind-body medicine have shown that people who are master adapters live longer and healthier lives than others. How…
“We need habits. Without them, we couldn’t bath, get dressed, and find our way through the grocery store. Habit simplifies…
The choice What is the negative choice? Why are you making this negative choice? What do you get out of…
“I have been through some terrible things in my life; some of which actually happened.” – Mark Twain Use the…
Transformation results when you move from seeing things strictly in physical, material terms to seeing that there are reasons why…
We are all carrying around years of emotional baggage, deeply entrenched sets of behaviors and defense mechanisms that repeat and…
The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We create our bodies as we create the…
Develop the necessary mindset and actions to adapt well to whatever changes come your way Knowing that you need to…
Health wants you! Happiness wants you! All the things you love want you! They are bursting to come into your…