Spirituality in its purest form is more about a way of being than a set of beliefs.
- Qualities as compassion, love, and integrity are universal; they say more about how we live than what religion we follow.
Most often, the word spirituality is now used as a universal term to describe the mystical core of innate goodness within the human being.
People are joining churches and movements today because they truly want to be more in touch with their spiritual side. The church experience is changing. It is having to be more authentic.”
- People are also now freely crossing denominational lines seeking real spiritual support wherever it is provided.
- This search is for individual attention, not just an institutional experience.
- Wave of the future is going to be a one-on-one relationship
- This kind of intimate relationship
- Spiritual leaders have a responsibility to act in order to alleviate societal problems.
Re-source: Reshape
When we scrupulously follow the core teachings of the great wisdom traditions we are guided explicitly toward wholeness
- The word “holy” itself is embedded in the word “whole.”
Religion – divisions are human-made rather than divinely dictated
“If I tolerate you as a person of another faith I don’t have to know anything about you. Tolerance does nothing to remove our ignorance of one another. What is required is not just a passive acceptance of diversity but direct ways to actively elicit mutual understanding.”
There is an importance of building a global religious infrastructure
- Interfaith movement
- Interfaith groups
- inter-religious dialogue
craving and resource from “A Call for Connection” by Gail Bernice Holland