All clarity about the self is dependent on your self-esteem – your knowledge of yourself.
- A strong sense of self can sense when it is going in the right direction and when it is knocking on the wrong door.
- When you know yourself, you know exactly when you are not being true to yourself.
- Your gut instincts alone provide you with all the guidance you need.
You can choose how you interact, but the more conscious you are about the patterns that influence your behavior, the more likely it is that your choices – and the lessons you get from them – will be positive.
“If one is not oneself a sage or a saint, the best thing one can do, in the field of metaphysics, is to study the works of those who were, because they had modified their merely human kind and amount of knowledge.”
Aldous Huxley
- That is why we study the writings of the great mystics of the world’s religions, and the lives of the masters who founded those religions.
- The masters and mystics have tapped into the underground stream of spiritual knowledge that flows beneath the bedrock of all the great traditions, uniting them and washing away their surface differences.
- Through these spiritual guides, we gain access to the collective wisdom that feeds the human spirit, filtering into our psyches, souls, and biology.
- In a symbolic sense, the teachings of the mystics, based on their own immediate experience of the Divine, form our spiritual backbone, radiating out into every aspect of our lives.
Symbolic vision helps you understand the daily questions that arise for you as well as the spiritual unfoldment of your life.
- You might want to view your life metaphorically, as a journey you have agreed to take.
We aren’t meant to solve all the mysteries in our life, of course. Rather, we are meant to explore the mysteries and discover ourselves one piece of ourspirit at a time.
- Gradually we become whole, more conscious, more aware that life is a spiritual journey and everything else is make-believe.
Re-source: Relationship
the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected : the state of being related or interrelated
The experiences and relationships you are meant to have are with your parents, children, close friends, and any people with whom you share a passion for something.
- These people – as well as your adversaries – are in your life because you made an agreement with them prior to this lifetime to support each other’s spiritual growth.
- Indeed, every relationship and experience is an opportunity for you to grow and transform your life.
- Some relationships may even offer multiple opportunities.
- In every one, you will have to choose how to exercise your own power.
Because each contractual relationship in your life is carrying a fragment of your spirit, just as you carry a fragment of others’ spirits, when you feel strong energy responses to a person or place or in a situation, it is because you have come upon a part of your spirit that lives outside of your being.
- The atmosphere around you and within you becomes heightened.
- Your emotions and pulse race more rapidly, and your reasoning either becomes clearer or heads into a fog bank.
- Your body transmits noticeable physiological responses.
- If you were to stop in the midst of these types of responses and immediately read your surroundings symbolically, you would interpret the events or relationships occurring in that moment from an entirely different plane of reality.
There are no insignificant relationships. Every experience that we have contains purpose and meaning.
- Each event, each person in our lives embodies an energetic fragment of our own psyche and soul.
- Our individual spiritual task is to recognize and integrate all of them into our awareness so that the greater pattern of our mission can shine forth in its full dimensions.
When you do not seek or need external approval, you are at your most powerful.
- Nobody can disempower you emotionally or psychologically.
- “To thine own self be true”
You cannot live for prolonged periods of time within the polarity of being true to yourself and needing the approval of others.
- At some point you will realize that you are doing harm to yourself by being what you think you should be so that someone approves of you.
- In the language of a Contract, compromising who you are to gain the approval of another is a very precise example of giving away a piece of your spirit.
Remind yourself, when you need to, that a Contract is a guarantee that terms have been set.
- The other party or parties to your Contract have as much interest in your spiritual growth as you do.
- Use the energy of that truth to create an extraordinary life in this physical world; don’t just leave your spirit to wander on its own.
- Keep yourself in present time, in one place, in yourself.
craving and resource from “Sacred Contracts” by Carolyn Myss