Our primary and most essential goal in life should be to remain connected to the world of spirit.
- Everything else will take care of itself.
A number one spiritual practice is trying to live in the present moment
- To resist projecting into the future, or lamenting past mistakes.
- To feel the real power of now. That is the secret of a joyful life.
“Delight thyself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
- (Psalms 37:4)
- Delight in goodness, kindness, compassion, love, and see what happens
Words are completely inadequate. Spirituality is not religion – you can be spiritual and not have a religious context. The opposite is true too – you can be very religious with no spiritual dimension; just doctrine.
- “Spirituality isn’t something I believe in; it is what and who I am.”
- Knowing this has made all the difference. It allows us to live fearlessly and to make manifest the purpose of my creation. It is the greatest discovery of life to recognize that you are more than your body, and your mind.
Re-source: Recondition
If you’re looking for happiness, it has to do with karma. The reaction of every action.
- “What are you giving to the world.”
- Pleasure is energy reciprocated – what you put out, comes back
Your base level of pleasure is determined by how you view your whole life.
- More important than your 20/20 eyesight is your internal vision
- Don’t live a shutdown life, desensitized to feeling and seeing.
- Let every day be a fresh start on expanding what is possible, and on experiencing joy on every level.
In the word Question, there is a wonderful word – Quest.
- Everyday holds within it the possibility of seeing the world with wonder.
There is a wealth that has nothing to do with dollars that comes from the perspective and wisdom of paying attention to your life.
- It has everything to teach you. The joy of learning well is the greatest reward.
craving and resource from ““What I Know For Sure” by Oprah Winfrey