From a spiritual perspective every relationship we develop, from the most casual to the most intimate, serves the purpose of helping us to become more conscious.
- Some relationships are necessarily painful because learning about ourselves and facing our own limitations are not things we tend to do with enthusiasm.
- We often need to be spiritually “set up” for such encounters.
- Relationships are essentially spiritual messengers.
We can more easily see the symbolic value of our relationships when we release our compulsion to judge what and who has value and instead focus on honoring the person and task with which we are involved.
- The spiritual challenge is to learn to interact consciously with others: to form unions with people who support our development and to release relationships that handicap our growth.
Managing the power of choice, with all its creative and spiritual implications, is the essence of the human experience.
All spiritual teachings are directed toward inspiring us to recognize that the power to make choices is the dynamic that converts our spirits into matter, our words into flesh. Choice is the process of creation itself.
- Make your choices wisely, because each choice you make is a creative act of spiritual power for which you are held responsible.
- Further, any choice made from faith has the full power of heaven behind it – which is why “faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain.’ And any choice made from fear is a violation of the energy of faith.
The task before us is to master our inner responses to the external world, our thoughts and emotions.
- We all struggle in a seemingly never-ending cycle of disappointment in which we attempt to control our lives.
- We search endlessly for the one grand choice that will put everything in our lives into permanent order, halting the motion of change long enough to establish final control over everyone and everything.
- Is that choice the right career? The right marriage partner? The right geographic location?
- In seeking this one right choice constantly, we give form to our fear of the changing rhythm that is life itself. In looking for this single external person or thing that will forever bring power that lies “behind our eyes and not in front of them.”
- The truth contained within the paradoxical nature of dualism is this: It is not what we choose that matters; our power to influence an outcome lies in our reasons for making a certain choice.
In learning about our motivations, we learn about the content of our spirits.
- Are you filled with fear, or are you filled with faith?
- Every choice we make contains the energy of either faith or fear, and the outcome of every decision reflects to some extent that faith or fear.
- This dynamic of choice guarantees that we cannot run away from ourselves or our decisions.

Re-source: Reshape
shape or form (something) differently or again
Creative energy breaks us out of habitual patterns of behavior, thoughts, and relationships.
- Habit is a hell to which people cling in an attempt to stop the flow of change. But creative energy defies the repetition of habit.
- These two forces, repetition and creativity, are at odds with each other within the human psyche and impel us to invest and reshape the chaos of our world with personal meaning.
- If allowed to flow, creative energy will continually act to reshape our lives and reveal more meaning for why things happen as they do than we could determine on our own.
Honoring One Another, contain enormous spiritual power. When we act in alignment with this truth, we bring out the best in ourselves and in others.
- Creation is a form of communion, uniting the life-generating energies of people toward a common goal.
- Creativity is frequently referred to as sowing seeds.
Managing sexual energy can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual liberation.
- Sexual eroticism normally produces orgasm, and the release of this voltage of energy is essential to physical, mental, and psychological health.
- Exercise and creativity are other well-known avenues of release.
- When a person has no release, however, this energy backs up in the system and, without conscious management, can produce reactions that run the gamut from depression to violence.
- In both men and women energy abortions contribute to physical problems, among them infertility.
- The need to strive to Honor One Another is easily and frequently eclipsed in sexual encounters, largely because sexual energy is so often controlled by fear or unrestrained desires.
- Kundalini is the practice of consciously utilizing the rush of energy for both physical and spiritual pleasure.
craving and resource from “Anatomy of the Spirit” by Caroline Myss