From a spiritual perspective, the entire physical world is nothing more than our classroom. But the challenge for each of us in this classroom is, will you make the choices that you make to enhance your spirit or those that drain your power?”
- See everything about your life as learning a lesson, as looking for truth.
- “Does this drain power?”
- “Am I empowering, with every choice I make?”
- “Am I choosing to grace somebody or withhold it?”
- To give power or to take it back.
- “I’m either going to learn something from this or I’m not.”
Every single choice we make is either going to enhance the spirit, or it’s going to drain the spirit. There’s nothing in between.
- Either you’re walking in the direction of love or you’re walking away from it, to fear.
- There is no other choice.
- Even if you’re in a grocery store, and you’re thinking should I buy this or not? And your gut says you know you can’t eat that. And you decide, I’m not going to listen to that voice. Right there, even that tiny thing, you’ve walked toward fear, because you blocked your intuitive voice.
So every day, in the smallest of ways and the largest of ways, we’re either giving ourselves power or taking away from it.
- We’re not born here to have a personality; we’re born here to have a spirit.

Re-source: Relate
make or show a connection between : to have or establish a relationship
How Do You Relate To Spirit?
- It’s the part of you that is seeking meaning and purpose.
- Another way to understand spirit is that it’s the part of you that feels drawn to hope – that will not give in to despair.
- Nobody wants to be hopeless. Your spirit is a part of you that feels like hope
- It’s the part of you that has to believe in goodness.
- That has to believe in something more.
- It’s the light of you.
- It feels like grace.
craving and resource from Caroline Myss on “SuperSoul Sunday” with Oprah Winfrey / OWN “Intuition, Power and Grace” (Ep. 303)