Our spirit participates in every second of our lives. It is the conscious force that is life itself.
- This “presence” left the impression that every second of our lives – and every mental, emotional, creative, physical, and even resting activity with which we fill those seconds – is somehow known and recorded.
- Every judgment we make is noted. Every attitude we hold is a source of positive or negative power for which we are accountable.
“Let me walk with you back through your life and through each of the relationships of your life. Let me walk with you through all the fears you’ve had, and let me show you how those fears controlled you for so long that the energy of life could no longer nurture you.”
Managing our power of choice is the Divine challenge, the sacred contract that we are here to fulfill.
- It begins with choosing what our thoughts and attitudes will be.
- Whereas choice once meant our ability to respond to that which God has created for us, it now means that we are participants in what we experience – that we co-create our physical bodies through the creative strength of our thoughts and emotions.
Because Divine energy is inherent in our biological system, every thought that crosses our minds, every belief we nurture, every memory to which we cling translates into a positive or negative command to our bodies and spirits.
- It is magnificent to see ourselves through this lens, but is also intimidating, because no part of our lives or thoughts is powerless or even private.
- We are biological creations of Divine design. Once this truth becomes a part of your conscious mind, you can never again live an ordinary life.

Re-source: Re-empowered
make stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights
As your own spirit takes command, the world will also yield to its force.
- It is necessary to travel spiritually and to shed the fears that block us from recognizing the beauty in our lives, and to come to a place of healing and self-acceptance.
- We can take this type of journey daily in the privacy of our own prayers and meditation.
“Breathe life onto earth”
- What drains your spirit drains your body.
- What fuels your spirit fuels your body.
- The power that fuels our bodies, our minds, and our hearts does not originate in our DNA. Rather, it has roots in Divinity itself. The truth is as simple and eternal as that.
“Believe as if it were true now” is a spiritual command from the Book of Daniel to visualize or pray in present time.
- To heal from the misdirection of one’s spirit, one has to be willing to act to release the past, cleanse one’s spirit, and return to the present moment.
The greatest act of will in which we can invest our spirits is to choose to live according to these rules:
- Make no judgments
- Have no expectations.
- Give up the need to know why things happen as they do.
- Trust that the unscheduled events of our lives are a form of spiritual direction.
- Have courage to make the choices we need to make, accept what we cannot change, and have the wisdom to know the difference.
Our goal while on this earth is to transcend our illusions and discover the innate power of our spirit.
- We are responsible for what we create, and we must therefore learn to act and think with love and wisdom and to live in service to others and all of life.
craving and resource from “Anatomy of the Spirit” by Caroline Myss