Know that all is unfolding perfectly, even if your thoughts tell you that it’s imperfect.
- You’re not in charge. Give up needing to control.
- It’s up to you to recognize your belief that ego can control life is an illusion.
Experiences of pain, loss, fear, anger, and even hatred seem to vanish when you remember that this is a part of the perfect blossoming of natural law; and there will soon be a time for comfort, peace, and love.
- Ponder the advice that there’s a time for it all: All of those times that you felt betrayed, abandoned, abused, frightened, anxious, or incomplete – they all came about according to a natural law that also led you to feel cared for, protected, loved, comforted, and whole.
- There’s a time for everything, including what you’re experiencing today.
You must never think of conquering others by force.
- Whatever strains with force will soon decay.
- When you resort to force, then disputes with your spouse, your children, your business partners, and even your neighbors will continue to intensify.
- cooperation, not competition.
- Vow to work on restoring a balance of love where hatred previously resided, and do all that you can to make amends for any damage that resulted from your use of force.
- Take the line of least resistance in all of one’s actions, and by doing so, creates more strength.
Re-source: Receptive
Watercourse Way
- Let your ears hear whatever they want to hear; let your eyes see whatever they want to see; let your mind think whatever it wants to think; let your lungs breath in their own rhythm. Do not expect any special result.
You and I are like the rivers and streams that Lao-tzu mentions in the Tao Te Ching.
- We were born of the Tao, our source of being, and we’re returning to the Tao.
- The return trip is inevitable – it can’t be stopped.
- So watch your body as it goes through its changes, noting that it does so in the same way that the rivers head down to the ocean to reemerge and become one with it.
Begin to see what passions are stirred up as you allow the ride to be directed by your Source rather than ego. Your enthusiastic inner receptivity is your reminder that all is perfect, so trust that energy.
- You are willing to freely experience your emotions without calling them “wrong” or needing to chase them away.
Disregard any inclination to dominate in all of your relationships.
- Listen rather than expound.
- Pay attention to yourself when you’re having judgmental opinions and see where self-attention takes you.
When you replace an ownership mentality with one of allowing, you’ll begin to see true unfolding in yourself and other people.
- From that moment on, you’ll be free of frustration with those who don’t behave according to your ego-dominated expectations.
craving and resource from “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Dr. Wayne Dyer