Inner Crave Pillars
These IC-RA-VE pillars are the foundation of our Programs. They incorporate all the inner crave fulfillments (listed below)
Inner Creative
"Know Your Self"
This pillar relates to our Conscious Connection. Heighten you everyday experience by being mindful rather than mindless.
Access Within. Visit the depths of your inner self.
Inner - Consciousness
imagination, abundance, perspective, mindfulness, clarity, manifestation, intuition, wisdom, being, visualization, mindfulness, synchronicity, thoughts, stillness, guidance, enlightenment, transcendence
Creative - Connection
self-expression, dreams, relationships, spirituality, flow, vibration, communication, listening, synergy, prayer, writing, authenticity, source, religion, portals, prayer
Response Ability
"Realize Your Potential"
This pillar relates to our Love and Power. Here we explore ways to enliven our heart and to inspire our will. The choices you make today will determine who you will be tomorrow. Make conscious choices to become the best you by responding instead of reacting.
Leadership - Response
engagement, character, success, breakthrough, integrity, responsibility, engagement, habits, motivation, discipline, control, love, kindness, adaptability, goals
Inspired - Ability
passion, progression, self-esteem, forgiveness, resilience, service, compassion, hope, improvement, productivity, desire, subconscious, freedom, strengths, change
Value Empowered
"Find Meaning"
This pillar is about understanding our emotions and improving our overall wellness. Here we work on our energy, enjoyment, and meaning in our lives.
Emotion - Value
gratitude, happiness, energy, feelings, fear, values, beauty, triggers, self-acceptance, self-worth, calm,. peace, surrender, identity
Empowered - Wellness
renewal, healing, balance, alignment, safety, vitality, boundaries, resources, addictions, belonging, security, wholeness
Develop Inner Creative - Response Ability - Value Empowered fulfillment from inside-out. Begin a program-guide today!