ICRAVE: Inner Strengths

Inner Strengths are the supplies you have in your pack, as you make your way down the hard road of life

They include:

  • A positive mood
  • Common sense
  • Integrity
  • Inner-peace
  • Determination
  • A warm heart

Researchers identify other’s strengths as well

  • Self-compassion
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Learned optimism
  • Relaxation Response
  • Self-esteem
  • Distress tolerance
  • Self-regulation
  • Resilience
  • Executive functions

Strengths are positive feelings such as: Calm, contentment, and caring

Strengths are also skills such as: Perspectives and inclinations

Strengths are also embodied qualities such as: Vitality and/or relaxation

Unlike fleeting mental states, inner strengths are stable traits

  • An enduring state of well-being
  • Wise and effective action
  • Contributions to others

craving used from: Hardwiring Happiness by : Rick Hansen


Adapt or alter (someone or something) to make them more useful or suitable 

What’s in your pack?

  • What are your inner strengths that you value?
  • What inner strengths do you use regularly.
  • Which ones haven’t you been using that you would like to take out and start using?
  • What can you start practicing Now?
 Ex:  finding the will to get up instead of pressing snooze