initiate energy

You have a phenomenal amount of energy inside. Where does it come from? Not from food and sleep. You can always draw from it from inside.
How do we use and assert our Energy? Every movement of your body, every emotion you have, and every thought that passes through your mind is an expenditure of energy.
Just how everything in the physical world requires energy, everything that happens inside requires an expenditure
- If you concentrate on a thought and another thought interferes, you have to assert an opposing force to fight the interfering thought. That requires energy and it could where you out
- If you have a thought in your mind and it keeps drifting off, you will have to willfully concentrate to bring it back. When you do this, you are actually sending more energy to the thought in order to hold it in a given place.
You also assert energy to deal with your emotions. If you have an emotion that you don’t like and it’s interfering with what you are doing, you just push it aside.
- You do this almost instinctively so that the unwanted emotion doesn’t come up and disturb you. This is an expenditure of energy
- Creating thoughts, holding on to thoughts, recalling thoughts, generating emotions, controlling emotions, and disciplining powerful inner drives all require a tremendous expenditure of energy.
Where does all of this energy come from? Why is the energy there sometimes and then at other times you feel completely drained?
from "The Untethered Soul" by Michael Singer

initiate top of the mornings

Good morning. Another day, another blessing, and another chance at life. Take nothing for granted and think of every breath as a gift.
Morning routine benefits are both psychological and physical.
- Prepare Yourself for the Rest of the Day
- Increase Your Productivity
- Feel in Control
- Lower Stress
- Develop Healthy Habits
- Boost Your Energy Levels
initiate positive self-talk

We all talk to ourselves. The big question is how do we talk to ourselves?
Have you ever been near someone in public who is speaking out loud to themselves?
- Many of us do this in our head. We just have a filter on what we say out loud. We replay situations of the past or act out future projections.
- What is the voice in our head usually telling us? How about during obstacles or unfavorable situations?
If you had a good friend tell you all the negative things about themselves, (why they aren’t good enough and why they can’t do certain things), what would you say in reply?
- You would tell your friend all the great things about him/herself.
- You would remind them of all the great things they have done, and why he/she can do it.
We are compassionate enough to do this for others that we care about but are we so quick and ready to do so for ourselves?
- We encourage others so we may be more productive and helpful, but are not very encouraging with ourselves. “Who cares about that” “Oh Well” “You can’t do something like that, that’s impossible.”
Self-Talk becomes Self-Belief
- When we keep telling something to ourselves, we eventually believe it. “It’s too hard, I can’t do it.” “I have nothing to offer.” “I’m no good at that.” “If I try, I will look ridiculous”
This kind of negative belief you project about yourself shows off to others, and decreases our likability. Harnessing positive self-talk is the key, and that only person who can do that is you!
initiate inspired motivation

The difference in people is their standards.
Everyone in the world has a list of things they think they should do. "I should lose weight, I should work out, I should spend more time with my kids, I should work harder, I should make more calls, I should, I should, I should, I should…"
And then people don't do their should, and they get mad at themselves. They beat themselves up about it. What changes people is when your “should” becomes a “must.” When suddenly the thing you said should happen has to happen. That's when human beings change
from Anthony Robbins

initiate self care

The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.
- Steve Maraboli