Whenever we’re talking about personal transformation—whether it’s physical (lose weight), financial (get out of debt), mental (overcome anxiety), spiritual, relational (repair a broken relationship), etc.—what we’re really talking about is change.
- And for most, that can be scary. In fact, many people don’t even entertain the idea of change until the pain of not changing becomes unbearable.
- In other words, you have to be ready and willing to change.
While there are many things that can hold us back from changing, and more importantly, the personal transformation that we desire, we are often our own worst enemies.
- Think about how many times you’ve gotten in your own way with negative self-talk, by peppering ourselves with self-criticism, and by doubting our capabilities.
- In a non-judgmental way, start identifying times, places, and areas of your life when you are being self-critical, experiencing self-doubt, or thinking self-defeating thoughts.
- Even better, when you do, replace them with positive, fulfilling thoughts.
I am willing to release old, negative beliefs. They are only beliefs that stand in my way. My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling.
author Louise Hay
- What’s great about this power thought is that it raises awareness, which is a primary tool in a mental ninja’s toolbox and critical for personal transformation.
Re-source: Reminder
a thing that causes someone to remember something
To help raise awareness, ask important questions.
- What are the thoughts and images going through my head?
- Are they helping me, or are they hurting me?
- Are they holding me back, or are they pushing me toward my goals?
- Are these thoughts of success, or am I focused on failure?
Another way to help raise awareness and displace those negative thoughts with more encouraging ones is to do pushups.
- When you do catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, beating yourself up, or having self-doubt, do five pushups, squats, jumping jacks, burpees, whatever.
- Choose your favorite because the idea is not to punish yourself; rather, it’s to break the cycle and raise that awareness.
Finally, choose a mantra.
- Maybe it’s the power thought above or maybe it’s something else that’s more personal to you.
- Choose something that’s important and relevant to you.
- Something that encourages you, promotes positive, fulfilling thoughts, and reminds you what’s truly important.
craving and resource from “Change That Up” – changethatup.com