ICRAVE Wholeness Systems

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Wholeness: Connecting the Heart, Conscience, and Spirit

  • Wholeness is about return the missing parts – the heart, human spirit, and conscience – to all areas of our lives.

Schools, businesses, our health care system – all segments of society – have begun to adopt a whole systems approach, specifically fostering the best in human nature in order to create a more unified compassionate way of life.

  • Regarding the immense inner resources of the human being
  • Emphasis is now on taking care of the whole person – mind, body, and spirit.
  • Within the last few years, millions of people have experimented with holistic healing therapies.
    • They realize, through direct personal experience, that you can’t treat the body without treating the mind and spirit.

Good news isn’t an escape from reality; it’s the best way to improve reality. 

  • When we read about effective programs, we can replicate them. 
  • When we learn about ideas that could change life for the better, we can take action. 
  • When we hear about individuals who make a difference, we’re inspired.
  • It delivers hope and inspiration and raises the social conscience.

Image result for integral culture

Re-source: Reintegrate

Solutions require not just practical changes but a shift in attitudes.

  • Reappraisal of social values
  • Sustainability
  • We may not have all the answers, but we do have some of the solutions.

In the United States, an extensive study conducted by sociologist Paul Ray identified a rapid rise of what he calls the Integral Culture. 

  • “Compared to the rest of society, the bearers of Integral Culture have values that are more idealistic and spiritual, have more concern for relationships and psychological development, are more environmentally concerned, and are more open to creating a positive future.”

craving and resource from “A Call for Connection” by Gail Bernice Holland

A Call For Connection SIGNED By Gail Bernice Holland To Edgar Mitchell