ICRAVE What If…?

Image result for What If...?
  • What if things don’t end up like they’re supposed to?
  • What if this work and energy I’ve invested doesn’t pay off?
  • What if I stay average
  • What if my story was never meant to by unique?
  • What if I try and I fail?
  • What if my friends stop calling?
  • What if I let my family down?
  • What if people don’t like what I have to say?
  • What if my idea is a little too out there?
  • What if I’m pushing things too far, too quickly?
  • What if the worst possible scenario happens?
  • What if I lose everything?
  • What if success is for someone else?
  • What if I’m meant to work, pay bills, and to sleep?
  • What if I am a born follower?
  • What if I never find happiness?
  • What if I don’t use the right path?
  • What if I can never be as good as the person standing next to me?
  • What if a life of meaning will always be something I’ll have to stare up at, wishing, dreaming?

… Or what if I just change the way I look at the world? 

Image result for What If I change the way I look at the world?

Re-source: Revision

  • What if today is just the beginning?
  • What if I decide who I’m going to be and becoming?
  • What if my actions can create a ripple effect that can transcend space and time?
  • What if impossible isn’t fact?
    • What if it’s opinion?
    • And what if I don’t but it?
  • What if this new world means existence starts with me?
  • What if I can be the one people look up to?
  • What if my past got me here but has no effect on where I can go?
  • What if every single day is a fresh start?
  • What if can be the one who defies the odds?
  • What if my dreams become the standard?
  • What if my ideas change how people see reality?
  • What if the term difficult is nothing more than a cop-out?
  • What if my life doubters ignite the flame that is my success?
  • What if my fear of mediocrity overcomes my fear of the unknown?
  • What if second is no longer an option?
  • What if I make the choice to live every second of my life like it’s a miracle and what if that is exactly what every second is?
    • What if it is time to start thinking like it, to never sell myself short?
  • What if nothing good happens until I believe it?
  • What if I stopped wasting my time trying to convince others, because I am the only one who must be convinced?

craving and resource from “Your World Within” by Eddie Pinero – Motivation Hub