ICRAVE Well-Being in the Face of Danger

Image result for well being in the face of danger

Living and letting go means releasing worry, stress, and fear.  When you promote your sense of well-being in the face of what appears as danger to others; your alignment frees you from pushing yourself to act in a forceful manner. 

Activate an inner picture that will carry you through perceived dangers. 

Visualize yourself as indestructible.

  • In this visualization, remove the image of your physical body and instead see the part of you that’s as constant as a spirit or a thought. 
  • This is your essence, and it’s incapable of being harmed in any way. 
  • From this perspective, you’re not threatened by anything, from criminals to cancer, from a common cold to a wild beast. 

When you live in harmony with the enduring part of yourself, it will contribute to an overall sense of being indestructible. 

Declare yourself to be that lucky person who goes through life unscathed by freeing yourself from trying to control your perception of looming danger.

Image result for Good Luck

Re-source: Recondition

Live in the flow

Peace will replace stress, harmony will replace effort, acceptance will replace interference and force, and good luck will replace fear. 

You’ll become what you think about, so even things that you previously believed were evidence of bad luck will now be viewed as what helps you move toward greater harmony.

  • Incidents of “things working out” without your having to control or “make” them happen. 

Relax when you want to tense up, and trust in as many situations as you can.

Affirm:  I am open to allowing what needs to happen.  I trust luck to guide me.

craving and resource from “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Wayne Dyer