ICRAVE Vitality Awareness

Health and Vitality through Massage – Somatic Services
The first evidence of a decline in health is often a diminishing sense of vitality.
  • Lack of energy, reduced enthusiasm for life and nagging fatigue are signs that the integration between body, mind, and spirit is precarious.

Vital energy is the core of our being, and we need only to dislodge the obstacles that are blocking its flow.

  • Only in honestly assessing what is missing and what is unnecessary in our lives can we successfully bring about the healing and transformation we seek.
  • Confronting aspects of ourselves that we have been hiding is never easy, but it is essential if we are to recover our vitality.

Your day-to-day reality is not merely what happens out there; your reality is how you perceive and respond to what is happening out there.

  • Each of us creates the reality of our lives through selective acts of perception and interpretation.
  • Given the same raw data of experience, people have very different responses because they interpret the experience through the filters of their personal history and unique mind body nature.
  • Wisdom is the integration of understanding and experience.

If we wish to live a life filled with vitality, we need to treat our self with reverence.

  • This means assessing every aspect of our daily choices and opting for those that are life supporting rather than life damaging.
  • This does not mean that in order to be vital we need to live a life free from intense experiences.
    • On the contrary, the more balanced we are in mind and body, the more we are able to ardently enjoy the sensory world.
  • The difference is in our level of attachment to the experience.
    • If we need a powerful stimulus just to feel alive, we are surrendering our vitality to something outside ourselves and will always feel vulnerable.
    • If we are fulfilled and connected to the deepest levels of our nature, we are able to extract the nourishment for every experience that comes our way.
  • An exaggerated state of mind body imbalance represents a lack of integration among body, mind, and soul.
Image result for Closer Look

Re-source: Reinterpret

interpret (something) in a new or different way

You cannot change the past, but you can reinterpret it.

  • The path to vitality is the path to wholeness, which implies that we must embrace all the diverse aspects of our being.

Pain is a warning signal from nature that something needs to change.

  • If we fail to listen to the message that the pain is carrying, it will likely get more intense until we are forced to pay attention.
  • Listen carefully to the signals your inner being is sending and trust that your soul is guiding you to greater truth, wisdom, peace, and love.

Honestly look at what you are feeling and ask the question, “What am I not dealing with in my life?”

  • “What is preventing me from making the changes I know are necessary to recapture my vitality?”

craving and resource from “Vital Energy” - The 7 Keys to Invigorate Body, Mind & Soul – by David Simon, M.D.


Vital Energy : The 7 Keys to Invigorate Body, Mind, and Soul (Paperback) - Walmart.com