Values are ideas and principles we hold most highly in our lives

  • They bring us the most meaning

The values that you emphasize in your life can be values of spirituality, abundance and friendship.

Our values are already within each one of us.  If we ask the right questions, our values will readily reveal themselves.

  • What about success is important to you?
  • What about life is important to you?

Your ability to be in alignment between thought and action depends on first understanding what your highest values are.


  • Has a lot to do with telling yourself the truth
  • Tell yourself the truth about your fears, about your strengths, your abilities, your gifts, your shortcomings, what is working in your life, and what is not working.

Know the difference between values and judgements

  • Very often we respond to others who hold different values from our own by judging them.
    • “You should see it this way!”

Realize that despite holding different values, we are all valuable.

Re-source: Reflections

 consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose

Values are about you understanding who you are.

  • What gives you a sense of freedom? What do you want to be?
  • Why is it important to know your values?  When you know your values, what will you know about yourself?  If you don’t live your values, what will that cost you?
  • What values are you committed to experiencing on a regular basis?
  • When do you lie to yourself that you are living a value but you really aren’t?
  • Which value can you start living that you are currently not experiencing in your life?
    • What is the value that if you chose to live it, it would change your life for the better in a very short period of time?

craving and resource from “Ask and you will Succeed” by Kenneth D. Foster

See the source image