The Ultimate Excuse:  “It’s not my job.”

A job description – an outline detailing our specific roles and responsibilities – is a marvelous tool.  But it can also become an excuse for not owning the problem at hand.  It can keep us from finding creative solutions and cause others to think we don’t care.

Add Value by asking:

  • “In Which area can I help you the most?”  
  • “What can I do to succeed with the tools and resources I already have?” 
  • “What can I do to make a difference?” 

Be creative.  Keep reaching. 

Re-source: Reliance

Organizations don’t serve people, individuals serve people.

The individual is accountable for providing outstanding service, and it’s the organization’s responsibility to fully support them in that effort.  Remember – in the customers’ eyes the institution is only as good as the person they are interacting with at that moment.  In other words, the individual is the organizations.

This is how we can unleash the power of personal accountability and build our own legacy of Service.

  • “How can I best serve this person at this moment?”
  • “What words can I use to put them at ease?”
  • “How can I make the customer feel special?”
  • “How can I serve?” 

craving and resource from “Flipping the Switch” by: John G. Miller