ICRAVE Valuating A Great Idea

As we examine the ideas we borrow, we need to look at them from all angles with a fresh mind and be skeptical.

  • We have to understand the weaknesses so we can improve on them.

The creative process is an evolutionary one, and the mechanism used to take it forward is judgement.

We must also remember that the value of an idea lies in the practicality and whether it can be implemented.

In questioning the validity of an idea and its usefulness, the idea will evolve.

  • A great idea has its implementation built into it.
  • It may not be obvious immediately, but as we work on the idea it becomes apparent.

In evaluating an idea, we must also open ourselves up to our intuition

  • “Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next. – Jonis Sock (inventor of the firs polio vaccine)

Re-source: Reshape

Once we have effectively defined the challenge before us we can look around for people who have encountered a similar challenge and see how it was solved.

  • In this process we need to think far.  Think radical.  Think wild.
  • “In looking at how the solution to a problem was achieved, the bits and pieces that led to success were sure to find kernels of innovation, that when combined will grow into our own unique solution.”

Ideas evolve through incubation, critiques or strengths and weaknesses and elimination of the weak points and enhancement of the strong ones.

craving and resource from “Out-Think” – How innovative leaders drive exceptional outcomes – by G Sean Hunter