What is a belief? A belief is nothing more than a group of cells that have been connected, and then reinforced.
- People think of beliefs as believing in something that is true
- Whatever we believe is truth for us, but it is not “the truth.”
We have been conditioned. When we were born, we had zero beliefs – not one. We learned what to believe, and how to even formulate a belief from parents, teachers, siblings, TV, books, etc.
- We behave based on what we believe
- So we might be behaving our lives away based on false, inaccurate, and dis-empowering beliefs.
If a belief is a neural pattern in the brain, then we have some good and useful ones; but chances are we have some that are not useful, not empowering, and not worthy of the genius that we all are.
- So the question is, “Is it possible for me to develop new beliefs that I don’t believe right now?”
- The answer is yes!
The process to bring new beliefs to life
- Listen to beliefs that are empowering over and over
- Affirmations
- Emotionalize them and visualize yourself acting out those beliefs
- Act them out as if they are true
- Learn how to pay attention to that inner voice that keeps you in your homeostatic place
- Understand that this inner voice is trying to protect your current beliefs and keep them in place (comfort zone).
Re-source: Reform
Forming new beliefs takes anywhere between 66-365 days.
- Why is it important for you to develop these new beliefs?
- What would your life be like if you had them right now?
- What is the benefit that is better than the switch cost?
- The switch cost is what our brain resists.
We are biologically wired not to want to change, so we have to deliberately coax the brain into motivational reasons, emotional reasons, and intrinsic reasons why we must do this.
- We can use pain as a frame – if you don’t change are you OK with your life being like this in 5, 10, or 20 years?
- If you are committed to letting go of the old, and create the new; you create motivations everyday (progress not perfection), then it becomes a habit that you consciously do.
- and then the habit starts doing you.
- We are all creatures of habit. Habits run themselves.
Most people don’t take the time to understand what are their empowering habits and what are their dis-empowering habits?
- How do I release or strengthen this one?
- How do I get a whole new one?
- We are looking to build empowering habits, and then let them run their course.
craving and resource from “Exercise Your Brain” – John Assaraf on “Impact Theory”