ICRAVE Universal Relationship

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In the end, what we all want to know about is each other.  We have an insatiable curiosity about our fellow human beings, more than just about anything else in the world. 

  • It’s as if we somehow know that if we can learn more about one another, we can learn more about ourselves. 
  • And the yearning to know more about ourselves – about Who We Really Are – is the deepest yearning of all.

We are constantly trying to get into each other’s skin.  There’s an internal guidance system that directs us intuitively and compellingly toward each other.

  • I believe that there is a natural mechanism, at the level of our genetic code, which contains universal intelligence.  This intelligence informs our most basic responses as sentient beings.  It takes eternal wisdom to the cellular level, creating what some have called the Law of Attraction.
  • I believe we are attracted to each other inherently.
  • I believe we know at the highest level that We Are All One.

Re-source: Reunite

Every sadness of the human heart, every indignity of the human condition, every tragedy of the human experience, can be attributed to one human decision – the decision to withdraw from each other. 

  • The decision to ignore our supreme awareness. 
  • The decision to call the natural attraction that we have for each other “bad”
  • the decision to believe our Oneness a fiction.

craving and resource from “Friendship with God” by Neale Donald Walsch