ICRAVE Universal/Personal Energy

Image result for Universal Energy Human Body

“Everything in the universe is made up of energy and information including you, your emotions, and your belief systems.”

  • The universe is clearly purposeful with an intelligence supporting its creation and continuing evolution. We are pieces of this intelligence by virtue of having been emerged from it.
  • According to astrophysics, the atoms in our bodies once belonged to stars far away in time and space.  In every way, you are the universe and the universe is you.

Your thoughts and intentions (the things you focus on and hold in your mind) trigger a transmission of energy and information out into the world.

  • By choosing to change the energy and information in your own body and mind, you can literally change the energy and information you send to the world around you.
    • In doing so, you can eventually cause things to change in your favor.
    • Your journey to a purposeful and inspired life begins when you acknowledge the creative power within you and harness that power to achieve the results you desire.

Image result for re-energize

Re-source: Re-energize

We each emit our own unique energy (vibrational frequency)

  • A specific wavelength of energy that changes according to our will and consciousness.

You harness all the power for your benefit by broadcasting a message that is in alignment with your greatest hopes and desires.

  • Even in your sleep you are sending and receiving energy
  • You pick up signals from others and are projecting your own in the world around you

Your life is a direct result of your personal energy field

  • If you don’t like what’s coming in, you are free to change the energy and information you are sending out.

craving and resource from “Unlimited” – How to build an exceptional life – by Jillian Michaels