ICRAVE Understanding Our Shadow Aspects

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The word shadow itself suggests a dark secretive, possibly malevolent countenance that looms in the background of our nature, ready to do harm to others as well as to ourselves. 

  • A much more appropriate understanding of the shadow aspects is that they represent the part of our being that is least familiar to our conscious mind. 

Whether the shadow becomes our friend or enemy depends largely upon ourselves. 

  • The shadow is not necessarily always an opponent. 
  • It is like any human being with whom one has to get along with
    • sometimes by giving in, sometimes by resisting, sometimes by giving love – whatever the situations requires. 
  • The shadow becomes hostile only when it is ignored or misunderstood.

Image result for Superhero Shadow

Re-source: Reorient

The shadow side of your highest potential is self-sabotage or doubt or lack of faith. 

  • Fear of failure, as well as fear of success and responsibility, characterizes the challenges that are basically fears of your own powers.
    • Empowerment and changes they require you to make in your life 
  • You will need to face whether you would deliberately block your highest potential from emerging, and why. 
  • You will also be challenged to retain humility as you become more empowered. 
  • Pursuing your highest potential is the most difficult marathon. 
    • With each upgrade, whether personal or professional, something or someone will arise to test the depth and solidity of your inner growth. 
  • Deep in the unconscious, our potential lies in wait for us to release it. 
    • There’s panic from the desperation that we will never accomplish what we were meant to do in life

craving ans resource from “Sacred Contracts” by Carolyn Myss