ICRAVE Understanding Needs vs. Wants

Our needs are already fulfilled.  Everything else, we think we need.

  • A rule of thumb: if you can live without it for even a short period of time.
  • We get into trouble when we call a want a need – it begins to corrupt our integrity
    • When we say we need something, the body goes into red alert.  Need?
      • That’s like food water air!  The body uses all its resources to meet the need right away.  After too many false alarms, our urgent plea of “I need!” is ignored.

Saying we need something outside ourselves in order to have a positive feeling within (joy, happiness, love) implies that we are somehow lacking. 

  • This is simply not the case.  In this sense, saying “I need…” is an affirmation of personal deficiency – even if it is followed by very nice words.

Re-source: Recondition

It’s fine to want something a whole lot.  That’s part of the process of manifestation.  We need to become passionate about our dream. 

  • When we start calling a want a need, we step over the line from being passionate to being impoverished.

What we need is supplied to us, and always will be. 

Let’s be grateful for that and let’s pursue our wants and desires from this platform of fulfillment and gratitude.

craving and resource from “DO IT!” – Let’s get of our buts – by John-Roger and Peter Mcwilliams