Fear is an emotion. All emotions are triggered at the subconscious level. They release neural chemicals that cause a feeling.
- We are consciously aware of the feeling as the end point of the human experience in the physical body
- Fear is a subconscious trigger that causes this feeling that we don’t like
- Make it a go signal instead of a stop signal
- When you have the what if’s
- when you feel this, what are you going to do?
If you understand the mechanics – emotions and feelings aren’t positive or negative. They are empowering or disempowering to various degrees if you don’t understand them.
- When you have a warning signal on your car, you don’t hammer the dashboard.
- How does a firefighter go into a burning building? They learn to use the feeling of fear.
- It is normal to have the fear.
- Do you have the knowledge, skill, and preparation to deal with this in a safe way?
- OK, then go. If you don’t, then retreat.
So with the presence of fear, the first step is “Take 6, calm the circuits.”
- An anxious, fearful energy in motion (emotion) that is unpleasant and the brakes have gone on
- Take six deep breaths in thorough your nose, out through your mouth (like with a straw)
- You deactivate the stress response center. Instead of the blood going to the fear response, it goes to the Neo-cortex (thinking part) of the brain

Re-source: Reassociate
to bring into association again
Self-talk is so critical
- Consistently pay attention to how you are speaking to yourself
- Is it in a kind, motivating, empathetic and compassionate way? Or are you consistently self-deprecating (putting yourself down)
- These fears and negative thoughts (self-talk) always come up especially when starting new goals
Awareness of your thoughts and feelings is what gives you choice.
- It gives you freedom instead of reacting in a repetitive cycle of behaving the same way over and over just to maintain the comfort zones.
- Learn to manage your emotions, then be progressive (make progress)
Activate your Intentions – what is one very small action step that you can take?
Many of us haven’t been taught, haven’t been given the tools, and we haven’t practice the tools enough to be able to make them part of our unconscious competence brain.
- Knowing our core emotions
- The way to deactivate your stress or fear centers
- How to activate your imagination center
- How to have more focus
- How to develop a new belief
- How to develop a new habit or release a habit.
craving and resource from “Impact Theory” by Tom Bilyeu- How to Upgrade your Mindset in 46 minutes – with John Assaraf