ICRAVE Understanding Beliefs

Image result for Belief

Beliefs are the meanings we gave the experiences of our life mostly before the age of 7. 

  • We gave meanings to the experiences of our life. 
    • Or other people gave meaning to the experience we were having. 

Because the brain is a goal achieving machine, we tend to only start to notice what we are not doing right, with no recognition of what we are doing well.

We get caught in a loop because in every new experience, you’re just going to continue to focus on that which reinforces the beliefs systems that you’ve established or the meanings that you gave the experiences early on, and you ignore everything else. 

  • You become trapped by your own thoughts and beliefs.

How do I go beyond self-awareness and actually change the way that I think?  How do I actually change what I believe? 

  • By definition, beliefs are that which are true for us. 
    • How do we break out of this?

Image result for Powerful Belief

Re-source: Reorient

How do we reorient ourselves in a way that I congruent with the life that we actually want to create? 

  • Business, health, relationships, etc. 
  • We tend to just experience same experiences over and over.

How do we become more self-aware.  But more importantly, how do we change our thinking. 

  • How do we change the habitual patterns of thinking that we have become addicted to? 
    • This cascades to emotional responses and our perceptions. 

Around 88% of what is going on, you are not paying attention to.  What we pay attention to is aligned to what believe so that is what we get. 

  • So if you want more happiness, wealth, deeper relationships, more joy, fun, reach full potential, and make an impact, then what’s really important is to get clear on what that could look like for you and make sure that what you believe is congruent with that outcome.
    • If what you believe is not congruent with that outcome, then you are working against yourself.

craving and resource from “Shift into a power mindset at any time, in any situation” – David Bayer on Impact Theory