ICRAVE Uncommon Character

“In a common world, becoming an uncommon man begins with cultivating uncommon character”

“It’s sometimes easier to do the wrong thing, but is always better to do the right thing”

  • The choice between what’s convenient and what’s right?

Fitting in, following the crowd, and being common are not what we are supposed to do

  • “Success is uncommon, therefore, not to be enjoyed by the common man.”

How can you be more uncommon? 

  • Stand by your convictions

What kind of practice/commitment will it take from you?

Re-source: Reflections

Keys for developing your core

  • Remember that what you do when no one is watching matters
  • The means matter as much as the ends, if not more
  • “Hang in there,” Character is revealed through adversity
  • Often, we grow as much through the little things as we do through the big ones
  • Being truthful is critical
  • Don’t rationalize your way around honesty
  • You are important.  See yourself as a significant part of the process
  • Be careful what you do with your resources, gifts, time and talent.  You have been entrusted with them
  • Some of the most rewarding times in life are when you have to stand alone; even when you are uncomfortable doing so
  • “Life is hard, Courage is essential”
  • Never Give Up! Never!

craving and resource from “Uncommon” by Tony Dungy