Truth is a very personal thing. Truth is not simply something we come to know, but something that becomes a part of us.
- Whatever we conclude as truth directly affects not only what we believe, but also who we become.
- Information both informs us and forms us.
This is especially true when it comes to our search for meaning. Anything that is not true is irrelevant and unimportant; it just doesn’t matter.
- All of us are searching for truth; we’re all trying to make sense of life.
The trustworthiness of any information is only as good as its source. The more trustworthy you can determine the source is, the shorter the leap of faith.
- Who you decide you can trust inevitably becomes your source of truth.
- When we conclude no one can be trusted, we find ourselves struggling with doubt and being afraid to commit.
- The truth is not about data. Truth is more than the gathering of information.
- Truth is about trust.
Re-source: Reveal
Whatever we conclude is true comes to us through a process that is informed both by our experiences and by our perceptions.
- Truth is never simply objective.
- It is never purely impersonal.
What’s really going on here? And whether you are comfortable with openly acknowledging it, it always ends with this is what I believe to be true.
- Be fascinated with how we process information – not just how we come to know things, but what things we choose to know.
Clearly we can’t know everything. Even the attempt at it results in insanity. Genius might be less how much you know and more the ability to know the right things.
- How does this affect our search for meaning?
- What are the implications when it comes to our quest for truth?
craving and resource from “Soul Cravings” by Erwin Raphael McManus