ICRAVE Trusting My Inner Light

Your inner light is more trustworthy than any guidebook, and it will point you in the direction that’s most beneficial to you and everyone you encounter. 

  • Live more spontaneously – you don’t need to neatly wrap up each detail of your life. 
    • Understand this and you can travel without being attached to a plan that covers every possible scenario. 
  • You’re here to teach yourself and others in some way
  • Our work is to raise the collective energy of our entire universe.
  • When you develop a trust you’ll change the way you look at life. 
    • You’ll marvel at the brilliance and clarity of what you begin to see
  • Fear, anxiety, stress, and unrest will simply become seen as facets of yourself
  • Revealed like candles marking your way and helping you love everyone as a piece of yourself.

Re-source: Reaffirm

“I have the ability to stay poised and centered, regardless of what goes before me.”

“I am my own student and have this opportunity to learn that I’m instructing rather than judging.  I will now cease critiquing myself or any other. Be one individual who chooses to respect yourself and all others as teachers and as students.” 

When you see the world as full of opportunities to help, one thought and one action at a time, you’ll be living by your inner light.

craving and resource from “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Wayne Dyer