Trust provides a wonderful advantage in our lives.  It forms the foundation of strong relationships which are critical to success both at work and at home. 

With Trust:

  • we communicate more openly and effectively. 
  • We are more creative and collaborative. 
  • Our teams are stronger and more productive. 
  • Our families are happier. 
  • We find more satisfaction in everything we do.

Re-source: Response-Able

There are many ways to build trust, but first we must believe that it’s our job to do so – that we are personally accountable. 

Trust grows from our actions as individuals, and each of us is responsible for building trust in our relationships.

  • “How can I truly understand you?”
  • “What can I do to know them better?”
  • “How can I build their confidence in me?”
  • “What can I do to support the organization?”
  • “How can I better understand the situation?”

craving and resource from “Flipping the Switch” by John G. Miller