ICRAVE True Success

Simply change your belief that you’re only successful if you’re making money.  The less you focus on making a profit – instead shifting your energy to living your purpose in harmony with everyone else – the more money will flow to you and the more opportunities for generosity will be available to you.

  • Let go of evaluating yourself on the basis of how much you’ve accumulated and what is in your financial portfolio. 
  • Stop putting a dollar value on all that you have and do.  Let go of your need to get a “good deal” and choose instead to be a being of sharing.

Re-source: Renewal

The key to success is to ease into your new right pace. 

  • Making giant leaps too quickly can sabotage this.  You may end up feeling like failures, demoralized, until you emotionally regroup and begin again. 
  • No grand gestures.  Just start moving in the right direction.  This sends a positive message to your life force. 
  • Don’t worry if you slip into old habits.  We all do.  Every minute you’ve succeeded renews vitality and awe.

Cheer each success.  Don’t cheat your joy by jumping too quickly onto the next ambition. 

  • There’s always more to want, to accomplish, the never-ending seduction of the material realm. 
  • Resist this gimme-more fixation.  Instead, pledge to value even the tiniest of triumphs.  That’s what the art of living is about.

craving and resource from “Positive Energy” by Judith Orloff and “Change your thoughts, Change your life” by Wayne Dyer