We are all carrying around years of emotional baggage, deeply entrenched sets of behaviors and defense mechanisms that repeat and repeat as we go about our lives (often sabotaging us)
- To change our lives, we first have to change our behavior
We must identify the self-destructive things we do everyday
- Get to the root of the negativity behind so we can break out and move forward.
Therapy is nothing but a tool for self-discovery
- It is a means to unravel your self-defeating habits and attitudes so you can transform them into behaviors that enable you to live better.

Re-source: Reclaim
Learn how to keep your dark side in check.
- Self-destructive behaviors become like old
enemies that we have done battle with over and over
- We know all the angles and moves we need to dodge them from messing up our lives.
- Know your inner enemies and the weapons you have at your disposal
Understanding how you think about yourself and why you react to life the way you do will allow you to change any behavior, knock out any mental obstacle, and create any reality you desire.
Many of us struggle with this type of self-exploration because we interpret our negative behaviors as flaws.
- This takes a swipe at our egos and might leave us feeling empty or worthless.
- Therefore we stay in denial and don’t work on these behaviors.
- The irony is that all people have flaws and destructive patterns
- This is part of the human condition and the
ability to acknowledge these shortcomings is the first step toward recovery.
- To move forward, you must see your shortcomings as opportunities for growth.
Take a long, close look at your life.
- What are your issues and negative patterns?
- Stop them from holding you back
- Be brave and look beneath the surface of your life
- If you want to reclaim the power of your life, you must defeat these negative patterns.
craving and resource from ” Unlimited” – How to build an exceptional life – by Jillian Michaels