ICRAVE Transforming Resistance

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Stress only happens when you resist life’s events. 

  • If you are neither pushing life away or pulling it toward you, then you are not creating any resistance; you are simply present
  • In this state, you are just witnessing and experiencing the events of life taking place
  • If you resist, tension builds in your body mind and spirit

If you look carefully inside yourself you will see that it’s you that has the willpower

  • Will is a real force that emanates from your being.
  • It is what makes your arms and legs move because you assert will to do so
  • You use the same will to hold on to thoughts
  • You use will power when you want to make things happen or not happen

You are generally using your will to resist one of two things

  • That which has already happened
  • That which hasn’t happened yet

You are sitting inside resisting impressions from the past or thoughts about the future

Think of how much energy is used resisting what has already happened

  • Since the event has already past, you are actually struggling with yourself, not with the event
  • How much energy is used resisting what might happen?
    • Since most of the things that might happen never do, you are just throwing you energy away

How you deal with your energy flow has a major effect on your body

  • If you exert your energy on an event that has already happened, the energies build up so much that you either blow up or shut down completely
    • This is what it means to get stressed out or totally burned out
    • There is no reason to get stressed out, as long as you let each moment of each day to pass.       
      • It is not life’s events that are causing you stress, it is your resistance to life’s events that are causing you stress.

Re-source: Reassessment

Be willing to examine the process of resistance

  • In order to resist, you first must decide that something is not the way you like it. 
  • Plenty of events happen, so why did you choose to resist this one?
  • Not all of use resist the same things because not all of us have the same preconceived notions of how things should be or how much they should matter to us
    • It is based upon these notions that we exert our will

The personal events that take place in our lives leave impressions on our minds and our hearts. 

  • Those impressions become the basis for exerting our will to either resist or claim
  • Based on these past impressions, you are resisting the current events that take place
    • This creates inner tension, turmoil, struggle and suffering

The alternative:  Use life to let go of these impressions

  • Carefully watch the mental voice that tells you to resist something
    • It gives you advice and tells you to confront the world
  • Let your spiritual path be to let whatever happens flow through you rather than carry it
    • You may deal with what happens but first let the energy move through you
      • If you don’t, you won’t be dealing with the event but with your own blocked energy.
      • You won’t be coming from a place of clarity but from inner resistance and tension
  • Begin dealing with each situation with acceptance
  • It is possible to never have another problem for the rest of your life
  • Deal with things as just events and not as personal problems

craving and resource from “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer