- It’s their job to test you, to see if your goal is really the goal you want; to see if you are worthy of your dream.
- There are more subtle distractions – such as the habit of always focusing on the negative
We don’t need to react to news or information that doesn’t apply to our Dream. If we react to everything, including all the things other people think we should react to, we will have no mental or emotional energy left to focus on our dream.
- “News” is designed to keep those not on their path in a state of constant distraction.
Re-source: Re-inspired
A lot of people miss valuable opportunities, or refuse to partake of them, due to their unwillingness to work.
- “Problems are only opportunities in work clothes” – Henry J Kaiser
Keep your emotions flexible by practicing unexpected emotional reactions to life’s challenges
Keep your mind open by eagerly considering new ideas, thoughts, suggestions, information, insights, perceptions and intuitions.
How do we help guarantee success?
- “Act as if it were impossible to fail.” – Dorothea Brande
Discipline comes from the word disciple – being a devoted student.
craving and resource from “DO IT!” – Let’s get of our buts – by John-Roger and Peter Mcwilliams