ICRAVE To Create and Become

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Every one of us longs to create even when we don’t know exactly what. Every one of us is also longing to become. 

  • Our souls crave progress.  We need to believe in the future.  There is a destiny that awaits us all.  It calls us, and if we ignore it, we are soon haunted by it.
  • You were created not to live in the past, but to create the future.  Your soul craves to become, and you will never be satisfied with less.

The maddening reality is that each and every one of us has been created with a soul craving to become

  • To become something – something better, something different, something special, something unique, something admired, something valued, something more than we are.

We need both to aspire and accomplish.  Hope is the fuel through which we create the future.

  • We just want to be significant.  We want to make a difference, to make our lives count. 
  • So we redefine our values, reorganize our priorities, and once again begin our search for a future.

Image result for be the change you want to see in the world

Re-source: Recreate

Our need to become is intimately connected with our need to create.  You cannot engage the future without activating your creative nature. 

  • To become is to change and to bring change.

The characteristic of becoming is unique to being human.    This instinct within is to make the world a better place. 

  • We feel compelled to care about others. 
  • Within all of us there’s an intrinsic need for progress.  What holds us back is that we can’t make the world a better place. 
  • It was Gandhi who implored us to become the change we seek

Even when we know something should be done, we just hope someone will do it. 

  • It is possible to deaden your soul, but not to silence it. 

When we embrace our unique place to create, it not only empowers us to live, but it holds us responsible for life.  To live an aimless life is to live an unfulfilling life.  You were created to bring change.

craving and resource from “Soul Cravings” by Erwin Raphael McManus