ICRAVE The Skill of Visualization

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Understand the science and the skill of visualization. Your brain it is a gigantic detective machine – a filter, constantly looking for evidence.

  • That’s good news when you know how to use it to your advantage.

Your brain has a system called the reticular activating system, that allows certain information in your brain and blocks out other information.

  • You programmed that filter you, and so did the people from your past.

What studies suggest and have proven is that, simply visualizing yourself doing things actually develops the skill, and helps you improve the skills just as if you were actually doing it.

  • Do this especially with your goals.

Image result for Visualization Exercises

Re-source: Reenvision

to envision (something) again especially in a different way

If you constantly feel like you’re unlovable, your reticular activating system is going to point out every single piece of evidence that confirms that negative belief that you have.

If your goal is to improve your self-worth, visualize what your life looks like, and how you’re going to feel about yourself when your self-worth has improved.

  • Close your eyes, and in your mind have a specific picture of what it looks like in your life when your self-worth has improved.
  • See yourself speaking up at work, talking more about your business, see yourself leaving bad relationships, defining boundaries, going to the gym, taking care of yourself, etc.  

When you start to visualize the image of that, consciously think of the positive emotions that you’re going feel.

  • It encodes it as a real memory and that’s important because when you encode it as a real memory, it changes the filter system that reticular activating system

What we know based on research is, the more you visualize things, the greater your confidence is going to be and the greater security you’re going to have about it.

  • Wake up every day and just visualize for it 30 seconds.   
  • Visualize having a great day at school, curing your panic, or how proud you’re going to be.

craving and research from Mel Robbins – from “THIS Will Change Your LIFE!” – #BelieveLife by Evan Carmichael