A key to a successful life is that you are making plans, actively pursuing a goal, putting powerful and positive energy into the universe, and staying open to what comes back to you.
- This is different than walking aimlessly and hoping happiness will find you.
- You have to pursue it actively and in good faith.
Our purpose on this planet is to do something that makes us happy and allows us to leave a mark.
- What you want to do to express your unique value in this world.
The idea is to start being conscious of and paying attention to what makes you happy and what doesn’t, so you can move towards your true calling.
- Very few of us know what we want to do in a larger sense.
- Destiny – when you stay open, listen to your heart and cultivate your passion.
Re-source: Reempowered
make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights
Many emotional issues begin in childhood so by the time that we are adults, we think it is normal to doubt ourselves at every turn.
- We lose ourselves in any relationship that we enter into and to sit life out because of the fear of the unknown.
- We say easy non-committal answers like “I don’t know” or “I can’t remember”
- These aren’t answers. These are self-defense mechanisms that we all use to shield ourselves from unpleasant truths
Sometimes we need to dig out the unpleasant truths in order to liberate ourselves from whatever is holding us back.
- Once you start digging, you will find the answers
- Contending with hardship is often how we find our inner strength and most authentic self.
It is important to do the inner work because it is building the knowledge and confidence.
- Whatever endeavor you pursue, you will have to earn it by doing the work.
- So do your homework, learn on your own, find out what you need to do.
- This is the real purpose of education – learn how to learn – to take time to understand how to improve and grow.
craving and resource from “Unlimited” – How to build an exceptional life – by Jillian Michaels