ICRAVE The Power of Visualization

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You are a creator.  Creators must create.

  • Visualization will help you determine what you want, and mental fitness will help you root out any sort of negativity so that you can fully realize your vision that you want to create for yourself.

As we take steps toward the vision, it unfolds even more.

  • It is becoming real

Follow the vision, feel the alignment

  • Many of us create the vision, but the energy around it is, “I can’t do it.”
  • It becomes an opportunity to practice the mental
  • It’s one thing to talk about it, and it’s a whole other thing to experience it.

Re-source: Reenvision

view or visualize (something) in a different way with the aim of improving or transforming it

Close your eyes.  In your mind’s eye, go to the place that you feel most comfortable (a quiet place where you can be uninterrupted and safe).  Bring in as much detail as you can about the place.

  • Have a seat.  Feel the hardwood or floor beneath your feet.  Or the cushion, chair, etc.
  • Bring in as much detail as you can.  Breathe into that space.
  • Studies have shown that if you can quiet your mind you are more likely to visualize.

Pick one area of your life that you would like to visualize (an actual manifestation happening right at this moment).

  • It can be physical (change your body; heal your injury and disease).  See and feel yourself well.
  • It can be choosing to resolve a conflict in your life. (strife with friend, family, etc.) picture yourselves hugging.
  • Accomplishing a goal.  Imagine it fully coming to pass.  It is real right now.

Stay there, and continue to focus on your breathing, and bring in as much detail to the manifestation of it happening right now.

  • What does it look like as the goal has been achieved?
    • What are you wearing? 
    • Without the disease, what are you doing with your life now that you are free of it? 
    • What are you doing now with that friend that you made amends with?

50% of us are visual.  And the other half needs to feel the feeling of an emotion (joy, strength, support, etc.) 

  • Bring in all of those experiences.  Fully stay there. 
  • Bring in another person that benefits from your vision.  That will make it more real for you.

Breathe into that visualization; you are there.  Breathe right now in that space.

  • Is there any other energy that is tainting that vision, holding you back? 
    • See if you can let that go, and stick with the vision.

Return back to the present.  Hopefully you feel accomplished, because the mind knows no difference from it actually happening.

craving and resource from “The Power of Visualization” – TED Talk – by Ashanti Johnson