Peer pressure
- works in both direction
- Sometime were too busy reacting that we forget we are exerting it on others
- You will come in contact with others in the world who will pressure you to conform
- Whether they mean to or not
- You are also able to influence them (for the good)
- You help your friends make better decisions just by your example
- To be a good example you must have a clear foundation of who you are
- Sometime you will have to stand alone. You shouldn’t fear/avoid conflict.
- Your values and character will need to shine when people don’t appreciate it, you are criticized for it, or even worse

Re-source: Reliance
Keys to lifting your friends and others
- Choose friends for the sake of friendship
- Listen to the voices of those you trust
- not the voices of the crowd
- Be open to taking advice from the people whose judgment you trust
- Conflict can be positive, don’t fear it
- When conflict occurs, attack the issue, not the person
- Be yourself
- Others may need your example whether you realize it or not
- Be intentional about helping others
- Give back as you move through life
craving and resource from ” Uncommon” by Tony Dungy