ICRAVE The Power of Knowledge

Image result for the power of knowledge

“Knowledge is power”

  • As you accumulate it, it gives you the ability to do more. 
  • You literally become capable of more. 
  • You’re able to bring knowledge into your life to transform what you are able to manifest in the world.

“The definition of power to me is to close your eyes and imagine a world, and then open them and make that world come true.”

The thing that holds people back is their own ego.

  • It feels so good to know something.  As you are collecting information and becoming more powerful, you just want to focus on that. 
  • You want to see yourself in the mirror as someone capable of more today than they were yesterday.
    • In that truth is a trap that you begin to think of yourself as a master.
    • “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”             
      • – Socrates
    • “One cannot learn what they think they already know.”   
      • – Epictetus                      

Image result for be relentless

Re-source: Relentless

Have something that you want to bring into this world, and be relentless about acquiring the skills that will allow you to do that.

  • The only way you will be able to do that is to drop your ego and recognize that there is power in knowing nothing when your pursuit is to learn everything.

Even as you grow more powerful and capable, always keep focused on how you can get better.

  • Open yourself to humility
  • The student is always willing to learn, looking for opportunity, and surrounds themselves with people who know more than they know.

craving and resource from “Commit To You” – If You Commit To Yourself, Here’s What Will Happen – by Tom Bilyeu