ICRAVE The Power of Decisions

Decisions are the force that changes your direction in a moment’s notice.

Now here is where decisions really shape your destiny: 

  • When you decide to press forward despite defeat. 
  • When you decide to take action despite your fears and worries. 
  • When you decide to maintain an empowering perspective, even when things aren’t going your way. 
  • When you decide to grow a backbone and cease to be indecisive! 
  • How about making the decision to go after what you want – to go after your dreams? 

These are the decisions that have an explosive impact on your life.

Re-source: Resolve

  • Start right now by making a decision to stop defending your habits. 
  • Stop complaining about your circumstances and start doing something about them. 
  • Stop blaming others or your past for why you aren’t achieving what you want to achieve. 
  • Make a decision to be happy from here on out. 
  • Make a decision to have higher self-esteem! 
  • Make a decision that you are a person worthy of your goals! 
  • Most importantly, make a decision to believe in yourself!

craving and resource from “If you think, You Can” by TJ Hoisington

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