ICRAVE The Power In My Words

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Your words mixed with your beliefs blend to become your reality.

  • What you speak over your life is what your life will become.
  • If you’re always talking about how you’re stuck where you are, how you can’t find a way to get out of a situation you’re in now, you never get any luck, you’ll never be wealthy…
    • You’re right.  You’ll never have those things if that’s what you say and that’s what you believe.
  • If you don’t believe it, you won’t even try to get it.

Your beliefs become your thoughts.  Your thoughts become your words.  Your words become your actions.  Your actions become your habits.  Your habits become your values. 

When you start blending your beliefs and your words together, they become so powerful, you can move mountains. 

  • You are the creator of your destiny.
  • Speak positive things into your life.  Strong things.
  • Speak love and happiness into your life, and you’ll notice more love and happiness.
  • Be good to others, and you may see more good from others.

Speak your dreams into existence.  Believe your dreams will become reality. 

  • Act and live as though they are, and they so will be.
  • Muhammad Ali said he will be the greatest and he became the greatest.  He had no doubt in his mind.
  • It’s the same level of certainty you should speak about your dreams.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but your words can shatter your dreams.

  • Your beliefs, thoughts, and words will determine your destiny.
  • Whatever you believe is your limit, is your limit.

See the source image

Re-source: Reaffirm

confirm the validity or correctness of : state again as a fact; assert again strongly

Daily affirmations are helpful because they reprogram your mind, thoughts, and beliefs.

  • Some of the most successful people on earth practice daily affirmations. 
  • If you’re doing it consistently every single day in the morning before you start your day, you will begin to develop new beliefs, and your life will start to change before your eyes. 
  • If it’s not natural at first, or if you feel like the words aren’t believable, stick with it. 

The goal is to feel as though you already have the things you want.  

  • “I am healthy! I am wealthy!  I’m wise.  Opportunities are everywhere.  Money flows with ease.  Joy is everywhere. I am attracting such amazing people into my life.  I am blessed.  I am surrounded by blessings.  I have more than enough.  I am full of energy.  I am strong.  I am fit.   I have such a positive influence to those around me.  I have amazing friends.  I am abundant.  I am constantly growing my income.  I am constantly growing my self.   I am constantly getting healthier, stronger, and better.”

As you speak the words, feel as though you are already that person. 

  • Whatever words work for you, write them down and read them every day.
  • The key is repetition and feeling the words.  If they get old, freshen them up to something more powerful and meaningful.

  • Instead of saying, “I don’t know how to do it,” say, “I am committed to learn how to do it.”
  • Instead of saying, “I always procrastinate and never get anything done,” say, “I am going to find something that matters to me more than anything” and then, “I am going to get the job done.”
  • Instead of saying, “I’m a failure,” say “I felt I’ve learned the lesson and when I become a huge success that failure is going to make for one hell of a story.”
  • Instead of saying, “My best days are behind me,” say, “My best is yet to come.”
  • Instead of believing others are born lucky or with special gifts, know that you are capable of anything.  Know that you can study and commit to learning from great people.  Know that you can become a great person in your own rite.

Every day look yourself in the mirror and say…

  • “I am a great person.”
  • “I am a kind person.”
  • “I am strong.”
  • “I am capable of anything.”
  • “I am growing more each day.”
  • “I am committed.”
  • “I am determined I have no limits.”
  • “I can have the health and the body of my choice.”
    • “I will have the health and the body of my choice.”
  • “I will have the wealth of my choice.”
  • “I do deserve abundance.”
  • “I am worthy.”
    • “I am more than worthy.”
  • “I can make a huge difference in other’s lives.”
    • “I will make that difference.”

craving and resource from “Fearless Soul” – This Is How Powerful Your Words Are – Be Careful What You Speak Into Your Life