ICRAVE The Mirror Concept

The mirror concept says that all life is a mirror, and by looking into the mirror of life, we can learn a great deal about ourselves. 

  • The mirror concept asks, “What if everything you like in people and things around you are really reflecting back to you something you like about yourself?               
    • If you admire people that are kind, they are reflecting back to you the kindness within your self .
  • On the other hand, the mirror also reflects back what we don’t like about ourselves. 
    • When we dislike someone for being selfish, perhaps there’s a selfishness within ourselves that we don’t like.

Re-source: Reveal

Using the mirror concept, we can use everything in life to teach us more about ourselves.  Each area of life acts as a magnifying mirror to one aspect or another of ourselves..

  • The area of ourselves we find most intriguing – the one we would most like to explore – is often the one we gravitate toward when choosing an area of life with which to become involved.

The joy we see in others is a reflection of the joy in ourselves.  We feel uncomfortable, however, giving ourselves credit for our own joy.  It’s easier to say, “You’re wonderful, and I’m so happy you’re with me,” than to say, “I’m wonderful, and I’m so happy to be me.” 

craving and resource from “DO IT! – Let’s get of our buts” by John-Roger and Peter Mcwilliams