ICRAVE The Immune System

Your body has a very ingenious and usually effective system of natural defense against parasites called the immune system

  • When it senses a dangerous parasite, the body is mobilized to produce special cells which are carried by the blood into battle like an army tailor made to attack the particular parasites concerned.
  • Usually the immune system wins and the person recovers
  • After that, the immune system remembers the killer equipment that it developed for that particular battle and any subsequent infection by the same kind of parasite is beaten off so quickly that we don’t notice it.
    • That is why once you’ve had a disease like measles, mumps, or chicken pox you are unlikely to get it again

Re-source: Reshape and Reflect

Vaccination is the ingenious treatment technique with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease

  • Instead of giving you the disease itself, the doctor gives you a weaker version of it or possibly an injection of dead germs to stimulate the immune system without actually giving you the disease
  • The weaker version is much less nasty and you often don’t notice any effect at all.
  • The immune system remembers the dead germs or the infection with the mild version of the disease and so it is forearmed to fight the real thing if it should ever come along

How can this be related to our thoughts, circumstance, and situations in our life?

How do we become immune, and how can this be good and/or bad for us in life?

craving and resource from “The Magic of Reality” by Richard Dawkins

Image result for "The Magic of Reality" by Richard Dawkins