ICRAVE The Art of Communication

Image result for Communication Is Key

The art of communication is the dance that we have with others.

  • A smile is contagious.  Be a carrier.
  • Learn the language of the eyes.
  • Look people in the eyes.
  • Wear success on your face.
  • Face others directly.
  • Good posture exudes good self-esteem.
  • Develop a winning handshake.
  • You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
  • Clothing always communicates.
  • Overdressing is better than under dressing.
  • Keep your clothes looking their best.
  • Maintain your target weight, and you’ll communicate with more confidence.
  • Accept what you can’t change.
  • Develop a genuine interest in others.
  • Remember people’s names.     
  • Respond to messages quickly.
  • Make what matters to that person matter to you.
  • Communication is not monologue, but dialogue.
  • Listening is not passive – it’s active.
  • Remember to pause, look, listen, and respond.
  • Choose your words carefully.
  • Ask a lot of questions.
  • Laughing at yourself puts other people at ease.
  • Learn to laugh easily.
  • Never correct others publicly.

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Re-source: Repair

Confront issues in a skillful, non-abrasive way.

  • Nothing is a big deal.
  • Forgive and Forget
  • Keep a low tone of voice and speak slowly.  Stay proactive and talk quietly.
  • Depersonalize everything.
  • There are two sides to every story.
  • Ask for forgiveness.
  • Never discuss issues of potential conflict on the phone.
  • Never talk about anything important when you’re tired.
  • When communication is at an impasse, seek a third-party counsel.

craving and resource from “Am I Making Myself Clear?” by Terry Felber