ICRAVE Taking an Interest in the Outside World

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Taking an interest in the outside world is about developing you, rather than for the world’s benefit.

  • Not necessarily by watching the news, but by reading, listening and talking to keep up with what’s happening.

Make it your mission to know what’s going on in the world

  • In current events, music, fashion, science, movies, food, transport, technology, and even TV.

For starters, the benefits are it makes you a more interesting person, and it keeps you young.

Re-source: Reintegrate

It is terribly easy to sink into the, “I’ve never done this before, so I don’t need to do it now” mentality.

  • If we do this, we stand a good chance of really missing out.

The happiest, most well-balanced, most successful people in life are those who are part of something.

  • Part of the world, not cut off from it.

And the most interesting, stimulating people to be around are those who take a great interest in what’s happening around them.

craving and resource from “The Rules Of Life” – A personal Code for Living a Better, Happier, More Successful Life – by Richard Templar

The Rules Of Life