Synergy is achieved when two or more people work together to create a better solution than either could alone.
- It’s not your way or my way but a better way, a higher way.
- Like the benefits of a flock of geese flying in V formation
Diversity is much more than racial and gender differences.
- It includes differences in physical features, dress, language, wealth, family, religious beliefs, lifestyle, education, interests, skills, age, style, etc.
Largest roadblocks to synergy are ignorance, cliques, and prejudice.
- Cliques may tend to reject everyone who isn’t just like them. Those on the inside often suffer from superiority complexes.
- We aren’t born with prejudices. They’re learned.
Synergy is more than just compromise or cooperation.
- Compromise is 1+1=1.5. Cooperation is 1+1=2. Synergy is 1+1=3
- It’s creative cooperation. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
How do you normally solve conflicts?
- Most of the time it’s usually fight (with words or fists) or flight (you’re silent or you take off).
- Getting to Synergy offers an alternative.
Re-source: Restructure
People of secondary greatness tend to clone themselves.
- They surround themselves with people like them
- They listen only to opinions that agree with their own
- They have trouble tolerating differences of opinion, background, education, experience, etc.
Sameness holds you down and drains your energy
Primary greatness seeks out diversity
- “Nothing kills success faster than being incapacitated by limited data and narrow thinking.”
- Without diversity, there is no synergy. Without synergy, nothing new happens.
Cloning yourself produces negative energy because it inhibits other people’s talents and gifts. On the other hand, building a complementary team, which has one goal with many different roles, perceptions, methods and approaches enables a full expression of talents and releases positive energy.
Diversity and synergy are being championed by most major organizations today.
As we learn to value and leverage the diverse strengths different people bring, we are far likelier to succeed.
craving from ” 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” by Sean Covey

resource from “Primary Greatness” by Stephen Covey