ICRAVE Synergy

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Synergy is when the whole of the parts is bigger and better than the one alone (1+1=3)

Why do Geese fly in a V formation?

  • The whole flock can fly 71% further than if each bird flew alone
  • When a goose flaps it’s wings, it creates a updraft for the goose that follows

Compromise is 1+1= 1.5

  • We live in a culture where the paradigm is compromise.  This is how we grow up especially with siblings. 
  • We learn and practice this because there is no trust.
    • We think this is the best way out.
    • This is not synergy which can be created if we decide to work together
      • The way to work together is to have a common goal

Negative synergy 1+1= 0.5

  • This is because so much of the energy is going the wrong way.
    • Counter productive

The key to Synergy is to always value differences

  • Differences aren’t something you tolerate but something that you should celebrate
    • It is not something that you accept
  • Strength lies in differences, not in similarities
    • However, you still need that common set of purpose/principles
  • Differences are an advantage, not a disadvantage; so run with it

Prejudice is a protection against being vulnerable

  • We get our security from our ability to manipulate people as things
  • In order to classify them
    • Therefore we don’t have to deal with people but instead with categories
    • We have them labeled
    • Then we get into the self-fulfilling prophesy
    • This all leads to more problems

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is stronger-together.jpg

Resource: Refresh

3 steps to getting to Synergy

  • Check willingness
    • Are both parties willing to search for a solution that is better than what either of you has in mind?
  • Reflect viewpoints
    • Always restate the other’s viewpoint to his or her satisfaction
  • Create new ideas
    • Propose and refine new ideas
    • Go back for further understanding until you arrive to a third alternative

When have you reached a third alternative?

  • When you both have a change of heart
  • Both sides feel new energy and excitement
  • Both sides see things a new way
  • Both sides feel the relationship has transformed
  • When we end up with an idea that is better than what either of you have started with.

Synergizing is a creative process that explores new possibilities to benefit all parties involved

  • It may take several times to reach the third alternative

craving and resource from “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by: Stephen Convey