ICRAVE Symbolic Sight

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Symbolic sight is the ability to use your intuition to interpret the power symbols in you life.

  • Focus your attention on learning to interpret your life’s challenges symbolically. 
  • Think of your-self at all times as an energy being as well as a physical one. 
    • Biography becomes your biology. 
  • Conduct energy self-evaluations on a daily basis. 
    • Make self-evaluation a habit. 
  • When you discover an energy leak, focus on only the essentials that can help you recover your energy. 
    • Always address the question “Why am I losing power?” 
    • You must always involve your mind and your heart. 
  • Learn what rather than who draws power from you. 
    • If you are jealous of someone, the important issue for you is not that specific person but the shadow side of your nature as it is reflected in that person. 
    • In effect, that person serves as your teacher. 
    • Concentrating on that person of whom you are jealous will not heal you.  You will only be sent more and more teachers, each more intense than the previous one. 
    • Your task is to learn the lesson that the teacher has for you rather than to resent the teacher. 
    • Set your sights on the lesson rather than the teacher. 
  • Simplify your requirements for healing.

Remember that the task is to move through your wounds, not to live in them.  Don’t waste time by thinking, acting, or praying like a victim. 

  • Feeling victimized, should it become a full-time state of mind, would qualify as an illness in itself.

Re-source: Refocus

We are all meant to learn the same truths and to allow our Divinity to work within and through us; this is a simple task, though hardly an easy one. 

Develop symbolic sight – the ability to see through physical illusions and recognize the lesson being offered to us by life’s challenges.

  • All circumstances can be changed in a moment, and all illness can be healed.  The divine is not limited by human time, space, or physical concerns.
  • Be consistent:  live what you believe.
  • Change is constant.  Every life goes through phases of difficult change as well as peace.  Learn to go with the flow of change rather than try to stop change from occurring. 
  • Never look to another person to make you happy – happiness is an internal, personal attitude and responsibility.
  • Life is essentially a learning experience.  Every situation, challenge, and relationship contains some message worth learning or teaching to others.
  • Positive energy works more effectively than negative energy in each and every situation. 
  • Live in the present moment, and practice forgiveness of others.
  • Seek to believe only what heaven has issued as essential.

Achieving health, happiness, and an energy balance comes down to deciding to focus more on the positive than on the negative, and to live in a manner spiritually congruent with what we know is the truth. 

craving and resource from “Anatomy of the Spirit” by Caroline Myss